Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bulalo ng Batangas

Bulalo is an original recipe of Batangas  but popular across the Philippines archipelago, from simple eatery to first class restaurants, they are serving this dish due to each popularity and customer's demands. Filipinos always loved the delicious soup of bulalo. Here is my version of Bulalo Batangas that I've learned from a Batangueῆa friend.

1/2 kilo beef shank
1 corn ( divided into 4)
1 tomato
1 medium size onion
1 teaspoon whole black pepper
1/2 kilo bok choy or petsay
1/4 cup fish sauce ( patis)
6 cups water ( add if necessary)
Spring onion as needed

1. In a pot layer the onion, tomato, black pepper and beef shanks, then add in the patis then turn on the stove to medium heat, cover very well and wait until it starts to simmer. Let simmer until the pinkish color of the meat is gone then mix well and simmer again for another 5 minutes.
2. after this process increase the heat then add the water and simmer until the beef is tender about and hour but if you have pressure cooker 25 minutes is enough to make it tender.
3. When the meat is tender add the corn and boil until it is done then add the petsay and spring onion and turn off the heat.
4. Serve hot.

Pork Chop Bistek Style

Most of the time that I cooked I always do it with what's the available ingredients, like this one, there are pork chops and lots of onions so I cooked this.

4 pork chops
1/2 cup soy sauce
2 onions sliced into rings
1 lemon or 5 calamansi
ground pepper according to your taste
sugar to taste

1. Marinate the pork chop with lemon, soy sauce and ground pepper for an hour. After an hour remove from marinating sauce then pan fry until brownish then set aside. Do not throw the sauce because we will use it later.
2. Saute the onion then add the pork chops, simmer for 2 minutes to allow the flavors of the onion and pork to blend well, then add the sauce, ground pepper and sugar to taste and simmer until done.

3. Serve it hot with rice and do not forget to smile :-).

Monday, May 13, 2013

Fried Chicken A La KFC

An experiment that I am happy with the result :-) I will try Jollibee and Mcdonalds soon.

1 kilo chicken
250 grams McCormick fried chicken breading
1 tablespoon chicken powder
1/2 cup flour
ground pepper to taste

1. In a mixing bowl, put the chicken, chicken powder and ground pepper then  mix well and refrigerate for an hour.
2. Combine the Mccormick and flour then mix well.
3. Roll each chicken piece in the flour mixture and make sure to coat it well and deep fry over medium heat until done. Just maintain medium heat to attain a good result. ( Make sure that the oil is really hot before frying )

4. Serve it hot.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Palitaw na may Linga

My Nana loves this so much and so do I. Palitaw is one of the most popular dainties (kakanin) in the Philippines. I love this with sesame seeds because the aroma of sesame seeds in every bite made it more delicious.

3 cups glutinous rice powder
1 1/2 cup water
1 cup grated coconut
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds

1. Mix the water and glutinous rice slowly,  until you form a dough.
2. Spoon a portion from the dough and form it into an oval shape.

3. In a pot boil a water where we can cook the palitaw.
4. Put by batches the oval formed glutinous rice in the boiling water and wait until it floats, then remove from the water and drain.

5. Mix the sugar, toasted sesame seeds and grated coconut then roll over the palitaw and serve it.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sotanghon with Pork

Cellophane noodles or sotanghon is one of the noodles that I like a lot. I love the firm texture of this noodles.

1/2 kilo sotanghon
1/2 kilo pork
1/2 cup soy sauce ( you may add if you want a darker color)
8 cups water
1 onion
4 cloves garlic
1 bell pepper bell pepper
200 grams cabbage
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute the garlic and onion, then put the pork and saute until brownish.
2.  Then add the soy sauce and simmer for few minutes.
3. Add the water and allow to boil. simmer for few minutes  then add salt and pepper to taste.
4. Add the the rest of the ingredients and simmer while stirring  so that the vegetables and noodles will mix well.
5. Serve when it is done.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Monggo na may Dahon ng Ampalaya

Mung bean or monggo is a very nutritious green beans from lentil family, I used the bitter melon leaves for this because my friends requested for it, but you can use various vegetables to put in mung bean dish.  Here is the easy to follow recipe.

2 cups monggo
1/4 kilo pork
2 cups bitter melon leaves ( dahon ng ampalaya)
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
salt to taste

mung bean or mongo

1. In a pot boil the monggo until it is tender, then set aside (You can use pressure cooker for faster cooking)
2. Pan fry the pork, once brownish set aside then saute the garlic and onion then add the pan fried pork and simmer for few minutes.
3. Add the cooked monggo and salt then simmer few minutes allowing all the flavors to infuse.
4.Increase the heat to avoid discoloration of the leaves when we put it, make sure it is very hot then put the leaves, do not cover the pot then turn off the heat.
5. Serve hot.

Pancit with Pork

This is one of my favorite dishes, I can cook this as quick as I can and I can create different ingredients with this from very simple to the most special but I do not have much time to do it, so here is a very simple one :-)

1/2 kilo pancit  ( egg noodles)
1/2 kilo pork sliced into bite size
200 grams cabbage sliced into strips
1 carrot sliced into strips
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
1/2 cup soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste
3 cups water ( add if necessary)

1. Saute the garlic and onion then add the pork and simmer for few minutes.
2. Add the soy sauce, salt and pepper cover for a minute, then mix well.
3. Add the water and bring to a boil then add the carrots, cabbage and pancit, stir well and simmer for few minutes until cooked.
4. Turn off the heat then serve it hot.

Atsara ( Pickled Papaya)

A delicious appetizer made from pickled green papaya. This is best serve with fried or grilled fish or meat.

2 cups grated green papaya
1/4 cup coarse salt
1 small red bell pepper,cut into thin strips
1 cup white vinegar
1 small carrot
3 tablespoons ginger ( strips)
1/2 cup sliced bitter melon (ampalaya)
1 onions,thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic,diced
1/2 cup raisins
sugar to taste
salt and pepper to taste

1. Combine the coarse salt and papaya then mix well and squeeze out the juice then set aside.
2. In a pot put all the ingredients except the squeezed papaya and raisins,  then bring to a boil once the carrot is tender put the papaya and allow to simmer for a minute or until done over high heat, then turn off heat and allow to cool.
3. Add the raisins and you can keep it in a jar and serve whenever you want.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Chicken Adobo with Tomato

A saucy  delicious adobo that you will surely like. My friends who have tasted this said it is very tasty and they will definitely try to cook it :)

Ingredients for 5 servings:
1/2 kilo chicken
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup vinegar
5 cloves garlic
1 onion
2 tomatoes
1/2 teaspoon crushed peppercorn  (pamintang durog)
1/2 tablespoon of ground pepper
1 teaspoon hot chili pepper powder

1. Saute the garlic, onion and tomato, stir until tomatoes are soft.
2. Add the chicken and soy sauce cover it and simmer, until the chicken meat darkens with the soy sauce color. Mix it well
3. Put the rest of the ingredients, cover well, and simmer for few minutes stirring occasionally until the chicken is well cooked.
4.  Serve with rice.

Maja Blanca with Corn and Cheese

Lately I am up to different flavors of maja, and somebody requested this corn and cheese recipe, so here it is.

2 cups cornstarch
4 cups coconut milk
1 cup Nestle cream or light cream
1.5 cups white sugar
3 cups evaporated or fresh milk
1 cup diced cheese
1 cup corn kernel

1. In a pot mix all the ingredients ( leave some corn and cheese for toppings later) mix well until the cornstarch is fully dissolved then cook over medium heat stirring well to avoid it from settling at the bottom of the pot. Continue stirring until the mixture becomes firm, allow to simmer for a while before transferring to a molding tray.
2. Pour to your desired container or molding tray then top with cheese and corn let cool and refrigerate before serving.

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