Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sauted Corn with Shrimps

I made this recipe because I love corn so much and I let my friend taste it , and they said it is yummy! Try it.

2 corns
10  shrimps (can be replaced with any meat that you want to use)
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
1/2 cup water
some spring onion for garnishing
salt and pepper to taste

1.Slice the corn thinly and set aside.

2. Saute the garlic and onion, then add the shrimps and simmer for 1 minute.
3. Add the corn and simmer for 2 minutes then add 1/2 cup water, salt and pepper to taste, simmer until done.

4. Serve it with spiced spring onion. :-)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chinese Cabbage Appetizer

A simple and easy to prepare appetizer using Chinese cabbage, this is really a good tasting item that you can serve during special occasions.

Chinese cabbage leaves
carrots ( sliced thinly, you can formed it into flowers )
cashew nuts ( crushed)
strawberries ( optional)
oyster sauce
soy sauce
lemon juice

Chinese Cabbage

1. Wash the Chinese cabbage leaves properly and set aside to allow the water to dry.
2.Arrange the leaves in a serving tray then put put the crushed cashew nuts, carrots and strawberries according to your desired arrangement.

3. Then mix the lemon juice, soy sauce and oyster sauce for the sauce of this appetizer.
4. Sprinkle the sauce on top before serving it.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Paksiw na Galunggong ( Round Scad Stewed in Vinegar)

Paksiw is a cooking process in the Philippines that uses vinegar in stewing the base ingredients, the most common one is fish paksiw. I love this simple fish dish because it is easy to cook and delicious.

1/2 kilo round scad or galunggong
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup crushed ginger
1 small bitter melon (ampalaya)
1 small red bell pepper
salt and pepper to taste

1. Clean the fish properly then put in a cooking pot together with all the ingredients.
2.  Simmer until done.
3. Serve it with a smile :-).

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Macaroons with Stawberry Jam

Just a testing of what will it taste to put a strawberry jam on top of  macaroons. The result is extra yummy according to my friends who ate it :D. Thanks  Vince for this idea.

 100 grams dessicated coconut
1 egg (beaten)
1/2 cup condensed milk
some strawberry jam

1. In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients.
2. Prepare the baking paper cups, and put the mixture into it around 3/4 full.
3.  Preheat the oven at 170 degrees celcius and bake it for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
4. Top it with strawberry jam then serve it :-)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Spinach and Shrimps with Coconut Milk

A delicious vegetable dish that you will surely love.

4 cups spinach can be replaced with alugbati
100 grams shrimps
1 cup pure coconut milk
1 1/2 cups water
thumb size ginger ( crushed)
1/2 piece onion
salt to taste

1. In a pot, put water,  shrimps, salt, ginger and onion then let it boil.
2. When it is boiling put the spinach and simmer until done over high heat then pour in the coconut milk and simmer for a minute and turn off the heat.
3. Serve it hot.

Sushi with Crab Sticks

This is my first time to make sushi with crab sticks, I wish I could do it perfectly next time. :D The taste is perfect but some stuffs were not centered that is why I am not considering this as perfect, but as a first timer I am happy with the result. Try it.

2 cups sushi rice
3 sheets nori seaweeds
6 crab stick
1 cucumber
1 carrot
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon sushi vinegar
2 cups water
ingredients are ready

1. First we need to cook the rice, wash the rice then put the water, vinegar and sugar let it boil and cook like the normal rice that we eat during our meals.
2. When the rice is cook let it cool, then prepare other sushi ingredients.
3. Slice the cucumber into julienne or like in the picture below, do not use the middle part because it is very watery. Do the same slice with the carrot.
4. Place the seaweed over the sushi mat.
nori seaweed

sushi mat

5.  Put the rice and flatten evenly, then put the crab sticks, carrot and cucumber.
6. Then roll it.

7. Slice and serve with a smile:-)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fresh Fruit Salad

A delicious fresh fruit salad for the whole family.  Very easy to make, just prepare all the ingredients and mix them all, presto! a delicious fruit salad is ready to be served.:-)
2 big apples ( diced)
500 grams grapes ( removed from stem)
2 cups pineapple chunks
1 1/2 cup cashew nuts
2 cups all purpose cream
2 cup condensed milk

1. Mix all the ingredients

2. Refrigerate before serving.

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