Thursday, September 20, 2018

Grilled Mackerel

Easy to cook.


2 slices mackerel Belly
1 tablespoon lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste


1. Season the mackerel with lemon juice, salt and pepper.
2.Heat the griller then grill the mackerel until done.
3. Garnish then serve.

I sprinkle it with sesame seeds and a combination of soy sauce and lemon juice.

Shrimps With Sweet Chili Sauce

There are lots of available sweet chili sauces at the supermarkets,  so I tried using it with shrimps and it came out good. It tasted delicious. Just wanna share this simple way of doing it.


500 Grams shrimps
1 cup sweet chili sauce (bought from grocery)
2 cloves garlic
spring onion for garnishing


1. Saute the garlic then add the shrimps and stir well. Increase the heat to high and keep on stirring until shrimps are fully cooked.
2. Add the sweet chili sauce then stir and turn off the heat.
3. Garnish with spring onion and serve it hot.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Leche Flan with Calamansi

Calamansi or calamondin is a small citrus fruit that is very good for dipping sauce, juice, and the best for marinating, but today I will use it for my leche flan, because my sisters said it neutralizes the sweetness and remove the tangy smell of the egg yolks. It was proven after cooking :-). Try it. 

1 can (395grams) Condensed milk 
1 can evaporated or fresh milk (370ml) 
10 egg yolks 
2 tablespoons calamansi juice 

 1. Combine the condensed milk, evaporated milk and eggyolks, mix well until evenly blended, then put the calamansi juice and mix well. 
2. Put the sugar in the molder then melt over medium heat, once melted set aside and let cool, then pour the leche flan mixture and steam for 20 minutes or until done. 
3. Refrigerate for an hour then sprinkle with calamansi zest before serving. Smile before eating :-).

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Monggo with Sotanghoon

Monggo with sotanghon  is a delicious combination of vegetable and cellophane noodles.

1/4 kilo Mung bean ( monggo)
1/4 kilo shrimps ( you can replace this with fish, pork, etc)
1 cup cubed squash
1 cup sotanghon
4 stalks spring onion ( slice to your desired length)
3 cloves garlic
pork scratchings ( chicharon) optional


1. In a pot boil the monggo until it is soft, then set aside (You can use pressure cooker for faster cooking)
2. In a pan saute the garlic, then add the shrimps
3. Add the squash to saute for a while, then add the cooked monggo, simmer for  few minutes until it is soft.
4. Add the cellophane noodles or sotanghon, simmer until it is done.
5. Turn off the heat and put the pork scratchings (chicharon) and spring onion
6. Serve it hot. :-) Enjoy your food : )

Monday, March 5, 2018

Glorious Prawns

A tangy and succulent prawns that's perfect for any season. I added some fried spinach leaves when I serve it.

1/2 kilo prawns ( cleaned)
1 onion
5 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon peanut butter
2 tablespoon soy Sauce
1 tablespoons lemon or calamansi juice
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 cup water (Add if necessary)
salt and pepper to taste
Spring onion or spinach for garnishing

1.  Saute the garlic and onion then add the prawns and allow to simmer for a  minute or until the color changed.
2. Add the lemon juice, honey and soy sauce then simmer for a minute.
3. Add the water, salt and pepper to taste then simmer for 2 minutes.
4. Add the peanut butter and give it a good stir until fully mixed then simmer until done.
5. Garnish with spring onion or spinach then serve it hot.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sauteed Corn and Spinach

The fresh juicy corn is very delicious to prepare for this dish, mmmmm creamy soup that is perfect to sip during rainy days, combined with fresh spinach that adds freshness to the taste of this delicious vegetable dish.

2 corn
2 cups spinach ( can be replaced with any green leafy vegetable)
1 onion
1 cup fried fish ( chunks)
salt and pepper to taste 

1. Slice the corn thinly then set aside.

2. Saute the onion, then add the fish.
3. Add the corn and simmer for 2 minutes then add water that's enough to make the corn tender.

4. When the corn is tender add the spinach , salt and pepper to taste, simmer until the spinach is cooked then turn off the heat.

5. Serve it  hot and do not forget to smile :-)

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Costela com Grão de Bico

Costela com grao de bico  ( Beef ribs with chick pea). Muito delicioso.

1 colher (sopa) de azeite
1 e 1/2 k de costela de boi,
1 folha de louro
2 dentes de alho espremido
1 cebola cortada em pétalas
2 cubos de caldo de picanha
4 xícaras (chá) de água fervente
 4 colheres (sopa) de extrato de tomate
2 colheres (sopa) de cheiro-verde picado
2 xícaras (chá) de grão-de-bico cozido e escorrido

Modo de preparo:
1. Em tigela grande, coloque a costela e tempere com o louro e o alho. Reserve por 30 minutos.
2. Em uma panela de pressão, aqueça o azeite em fogo médio, doure a cebola e a carne. Reserve.
3. Dissolva os cubos de caldo de picanha na água, misture o extrato de tomate e junte com a carne reservada.
4. Tampe a panela e cozinhe em fogo médio por 35 minutos.
5. Retire a panela do fogo e reserve até sair todo o vapor. Abra a panela e verifique o cozimento. Se necessário termine cozinhar com a panela destampada.
6. Misture o cheiro-verde e o grão-de-bico. Coloque em uma travessa e sirva com arroz branco.

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